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22강 태2 (5형식의 수동태와 명령문, 부정문의 수동태)

by 에이비씨 2021. 12. 16.

22 2

1. 5형식의 수동태와 명령문, 부정문의 수동태

S + V + O + O.C: 5형식

S + be p.p + S.C + (by~): 2형식


1) 5형식의 기본 수동태

I ask you to study English.

S  V     O    O.C


You are asked to study English.

   S        V              C



2. 지각/사역 동사의 수동태

보어자리에 수동태로 바뀌면서 지각이나 사역동사는 보어자리에 to부정사가 들어간다.

사역 + 능동 목적어 + 동원

사역 + 수동 목적어 + p.p

지각 + 능동 목적어 + 동원

지각 + 능진 목적어 + ing

지각 + 수동 목적어 + p.p


I saw her enter the room.

S  V     O         O.C

She was seen enter the room. (X)

S          V              S.C

She was seen to enter the room. (O)


I made him go there.

S     V     O       O.C

He was made to go there.


She didn´t let us speak.

  S            V      O     O.C

We aren´t allowed to speak



3. 명령문의 수동태

Do it. => Let it be done.

                Let O be p.p



4. 부정(명령)문의 수동태

Don´t forget it. => Don´t let it be forgotten. => Let it not be forgotten.

                                 Don´t let O be p.p                  Let O not be p.p



5. 문제

다음 문장을 수동태로 바꾸시오.

1) My parents bought me an MP3 player.

                                        I.O        D.O

= An MP3 player was bought for me by my parents.


2) My client sent me a long letter.

                               I.O        D.O

= I was sent a long letter by my client.

= A long letter was sent to me by my client.



3) I felt the house shake.

                    O            O.C

= The house was felt shake by me. (X)

= The house was felt to shake. (O)



4) Susan kept me waiting for half an hour.

                          O      O.C

= I was kept waiting for half an hour by Susan.



5) My father doesn´t let me come home after 9 p.m.

                                             O    O.C

= I am not let come home. (X)

= I am not allowed to come home. (O)



6) Announce the true cause of the accident.

= Let the true cause of the accident be announced.



7) Don´t forget this precious lesson.

= Don´t let this precious lesson be forgotten.

= Let this precious lesson not be forgotten.



8) Does your wife cook your meals?

Your wife cooks your meals.

Your meals are cooked by your wife.

= are your meals cooked by your wife?








