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80강 어법적용4 (문제풀이)

by 에이비씨 2022. 2. 12.

80 어법적용4

1. 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

After two hours surfing, Clauss was taking off his wet suit when a boy ran up, pointing to water. “Two kids are in trouble,” he said. Clauss saw a pair of swimmers splashing and waving their arms. (A) [Grabbing / Grabbed] his board, he ran into the waves.


As he paddled furiously, Clauss managed to reach one of the two and pick him up on his surfboard. He dived into the chilly water seven times, looking for (B) [the other / another] boy but had no luck.


A policeman, who was on the beach, said that if Clauss (C) [haven´t / hadn´t] reacted so quickly and decisively, there would have been two drownings instead of one.


(A) 분사구문: 생략된 주어가 능수동 결정 –> 타동사 + 목적어 = 능동형태

(B) 부정대명사

(C) 시제: 가정법 과거 = if + S + 과동, S + 조과 + 동원

가정법 과거완료= If + S + had p.p, S + 조과 + have p.p



2. 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

People act strangely when a television camera comes their way. Some people engage in an activity known as the cover-up. They will be calmly watching a sports game or a televised event (A) [when / which] they realize the camera is focused on them.


Then there are those who practice their funny faces on the public. They take advantage of the television time to show off their talents, hoping to get that big chance that will carry (B) [it / them] to stardom. Finally, there are those who pretend they are not reacting for the camera.


They wipe an expression from their faces and appear to be interested in something else. Yet if the camera stays on them long enough, they will slyly check to see if they are still (C) [watching / being watched].


(A) 선행사O + 관부 + 완전

선행사O + 관대 + 불완전

(B) 수일치

(C) : watch 타동사



3. 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

One day last summer when I was in the bathroom, the lock on the door jammed. I couldn´t get it unlocked (A) [how / however] hard I tried. I thought about my predicament. I didn´t think the neighbors could hear me if I shouted.


Then I remembered the small window on the back wall. The basin (B) [near / nearly] the window provided an easy step up. After climbing out the window, I hung from the window sill for a few seconds and then easily dropped to the ground.


Later my mother came home and asked me what I (C) [have / had] been doing. Laughing, I responded, “Oh, just hanging around.”


(A) O + 관부 + 완전

X + 복합관부 + 완전 = ~든지 간에

의문사 (어떻게)

접속사 (그러나)

(B) 형용사 vs. 부사

(C) 시제: 현완진 vs. 과완진



4. 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

I had twenty village girls to teach, some of them with such a strong country accent (A) [that / what] I could hardly communicate with them. Only three could read, and none could write, so at the end of my first day I felt quite (B) [depressing / depressed] at the thought of the hard work ahead of me.

But I reminded myself that I was fortunate to have any sort of job, and that I would certainly get used to (C) [teaching / being taught] these girls, who, although they were very poor, might be as good and as intelligent as children from the greatest families in England.


(A) O + that 관대 + 불완전

X + that + 완전

X + what 관대 + 불완전


(B) 분사, 감정형용사

(C) used to V 하곤했다

Be used to V 사용되다

Be(=get) used to ing 익숙하다



5. 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Cats were at their highest position of domesticated life in ancient Egypt. There were more cats (A) [living / lived] in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs than in any other place in the world.


This high concentration of cats (B) [was / were] probably due to the laws protecting the animal. Cats were associated with the moon goddess, Bast, so the Egyptians worshiped them as holy animals.


If anyone was caught killing a cat, the person could be put to death. Families in Egypt also mourned the death of a cat and had the body of the dead cat wrapped in cloth before it was finally (C) [laid / lain] to rest.


(A) 분사: 수식받는 명사가 능수동 결정

(B) 수일치

(C) 비슷하고 혼동되는 자타동사

Lie – lay – lain 타동사: 눕다, 놓여있다

Lay – laid – laid 자동사: 놓다, 눕히다






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