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35강 분사5 (오류 총정리)

by 에이비씨 2021. 12. 29.

35 분사5

1. 분사 오류 총정리 (3)

1) ing/ed 나오면 무조건 분사(형용사)라고 착각

ing 형용사: 분사ing 능동 명사: 동명사ing
ed 형용사: 분사ed 수동 동사: 동사과거형ed

The children [attending / attended] the meeting.

           S                                        V                   O

I called him called John.

S     V      O      p.p


2) ing/ed 분사는 무조건 주어가 /수동 결정한다고 착각

(1)~(6): 의미상의 주어가 /수동 결정

(1) 분사 => 수식받는 명사가 /수동 결정

(2) 지각 => 목적어가 /수동 결정

(3) 사역 => 목적어가 /수동 결절

(4) 분사구문 => 생략된 주어가 /수동 결정

(5) 부대상황 => 목적어가 /수동 결정 (목적어를 주어로 가정해서 /수동 결정)

(6) 감정형용사 => 주어가 /수동 결정


3) 해석이 헷갈리면, /타를 의심해 본다

Concernig about his health, he decides to exercise.

(1) 분사구문: , / 주어X / ing 시작

(2) 생략된 주어가 /수동 결정

(3) Concern 타동사


2. 문제

1) Marry gave me an [amazing / amazed] present for my birthday.

                   V                                         p.p

2) The [frightened / frightening] passengers rushed out of the bus suddenly.

3) He was so [confusing / confused] that he couldn´t concentrate on the work.

4) After [taking / taken] some college courses, he worked as an architectural draftsman and went to school at night.


5) This small city, [located / locating] in the center of Hale Country, was the result of an interesting compromise between two rival villages, Hale City and Epworth.


6) The government has begun calling the [recycled / recycling] water ¨NEWater¨

7) A Black cat [crossing / crossed] your path is a sign of bad luck to come.


8) One of the most important weapons [using / used] during the Second World War was not a weapon against people, but a drug causing disease.


9) [Seeing / Seen] from the long distance, it looks like a monster.

10) He was at a loss with all his money [stealing / stolen].

11) We closed our shop with night [coming / come] on.

12) Tom let me [drive / to drive] his car yesterday.

13) I watched him [steal / to steal] the design.

14) Her children were made [go out / to go out] at night.

15) My father made me [fix / fixed] the radio.

16) I´m [interesting / interested] in movie.


