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11강 시제3 ( 시제의 일치와 불일치)

by 에이비씨 2021. 12. 5.

11 시제3

1. 시제의 일치 / 불일치

-주절에 suggest, propose제안 / insist주장 / demand요구 / order명령 등의 동사가 있으면,

종속절에는 시제일치와 상관없이 (should) + . 쓴다.

I suggested that we (should) go to the park.


I insisted that she (should) study hard for 2015 수능.


-, suggest 보여주다, 암시하다 뜻이거나, insist 종속절이 과거사실주장 “~했다고 주장하다 반드시 시제일치를 따져준다.

The report suggested that the number of children decreased.



A witness insisted that Jack stolen the wallet. = ~that Jack had stolen the wallet.

                                    ~했다고 주장하다



Suggest 제안하다 / order 명령하다   =>   시제일치X, (should) + .


Suggest 보여주다, 암시하다 / order 주문하다   =>   시제일치O


Insist ~하라고 주장하다, ~하자고 주장하다 (권유)   =>   시제일치X, (should) + .


Insist ~했다고 주장하다 (사실)   =>   시제일치O


2. 문제

1) She suggested that we [go / went] to the picnic tomorrow.



2) A witness insisted that she [steals / stolen / had stolen] the wallet.

            ~했다고 주장하다


3) The report suggested that children [is / was / had been] decreasing.



4) She insisted that we [study / studied] English very hard for the exam.

    ~했다고 주장하다 had p.p

    ~하라고 주장하다 (should) .











