52강 관계사7
3) Because a man has a weakness (in him), it does not follow [that절 <what he has created, put forward or is related with> is worthless.] Similarly, because the man is (beyond all praise), it가주어 does not follow 진주어[that절 his every idea is (always) goods.]
4) 분사구문Living (in a society) we have focused (so much) (on possessions), we forget <that절 it is not so much (what one owns) as (what one does) [that관대 gives pleasure or satisfaction.]>
*Not so much A as B: A라기 보단 B다
2. 문제
의미가 통하도록 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
1) Show me (which, what) you have bought. 불완전
2) Please tell me the reason (why, how) you majored in history. 완전
3) England has the best tea (that, what) one can buy. 최상급
다음 각 문장에서 잘못된 곳을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
1) It was he [whom (we thought) would win the prize.]
2) This is the place (where which I have long wanted to visit.)
3) She told me her address, that which I wrote down on my pocketbook.
빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
Is that the boy _whom_ you spoke of the other day?
She changed her mind again _which_ made us all angry.
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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