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76강 비교급3 (문제 풀이) 76강 비교급3 다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 1) The climate of Seoul is milder than Moscow. =The climate of Seoul is milder than that of Moscow. 2) This overcoat is inferior than the one I bought last week. =This overcoat is inferior to the one I bought last week. 3) He knows little of mathematics, much more of chemistry. =He knows little of mathematics, much less of chemistry. 4) I am no more mad than .. 2022. 2. 8.
75강 비교급2 (원급, 최상급, 헷갈리는 관용어구) 75강 비교급2 1. 원급 as ~ as not so ~ as (not as ~ as) ~만큼 ~하다 ~만큼 ~않다 may as well 차라리 ~ 낫다 may as well A as B = would rather A than B: B보다 A낫다 Not so much A as B: A라기 보다 B다 Not so much as: ~조차 않다 2. 비교급 (er ~ than / or ~ to) 예외: Prefer A to B 강조: still / much / even / far (very는 안된다.) The 비교급 ~ , the 비교급: ~하면 할수록 ~하다 The 비교급 of the two: 둘 중에 더 ~하다 Get the better of: 극복하다 Know rather than to V: ~할 정도로.. 2022. 2. 7.
74강 비교급1 (원급, 원급 관용어구, 비교급 관용어구) 74강 비교급1 1. 원급 1) 원급: 형용사, 부사를 쓴다. 2) 비교급: er ~ than = or ~ to 예외: Prefer A to B 3) 최상급: the ~ est 소유격이 있으면, the를 쓰지 않는다. Do the best! Do your best! 2. 원급 관용어구 as ~ as 동등비교 / 원급비교: ~만큼 ~하다  not as ~ as = not so ~ as: ~만큼 ~하지 않다 배수사 as 원형 as 비교급처럼 해석된다. May well 당연하다 May as well: 차라리 ~가 낫다 May as well A as B: B라기 보다 A가 낫다 Not so much A as B: A라기 보다 B다 Not so much as: 조차 않다 As long as: (조건) ~하는 한.. 2022. 2. 6.
73강 형용사와 부사3 (문제 풀이) 73강 형용사와 부사3 1. 문제 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 1) The flower smells (good, well). 2) Hurry up! We´ve got (a little, little) time. 3) They met with the greatest difficulty (imaginable, imaginative). 4) How (many, large) is the population of the city? 5) The wind was blowing so hard that I could (hardly, hard) walk. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 [보기]에서 골라 써넣으시오. [보기] already, yet, still, too, ago, either, before 1) It´s 10 .. 2022. 2. 5.