73강 형용사와 부사3 (문제 풀이)
73강 형용사와 부사3 1. 문제 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 1) The flower smells (good, well). 2) Hurry up! We´ve got (a little, little) time. 3) They met with the greatest difficulty (imaginable, imaginative). 4) How (many, large) is the population of the city? 5) The wind was blowing so hard that I could (hardly, hard) walk. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 [보기]에서 골라 써넣으시오. [보기] already, yet, still, too, ago, either, before 1) It´s 10 ..
2022. 2. 5.