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66강 대명사 (인칭대명사, 재귀대명사, 지시대명사)

by 에이비씨 2022. 1. 29.

66 대명사

1. 인칭대명사



2. 재귀대명사

동작이 본인에게 다시 / 강조할

For oneself 스스로

By oneself 스스로

Of oneself 저절로

In itself 그자체로 / 본질적으로

Beside oneself 제정신이 아닌 / 넉이 나간

In spite of oneself 무의식적으로



3. 지시대명사


-단어, , 절을 하나 받는다. 그래서 대명사라고 부른다.

-비인칭 주어 (날씨, 요일, 시간, 거리, , 온도)

-막연한 상황


-가목적어: 5형식에서 목적어 자리에 to부정자 쓰는 동사(make/find/consider/believe/think)

-It is ~ that 강조



This (these):

-시간, 공간


-현재 포함 (these days)

-전화상 나를 표현할

-앞뒤 문장을 받을 있다



That (those):

-시간, 공간


-현재 격리 (those days)

-앞문장만 받을 있다

-비교급 반복 피해



4. 문제

다음 문장의 밑줄 it 같은 용법으로 쓰인 것을 [보기]에서 찾아 기호를 쓰시오.


a. It was in this year that the war broke out. 강조 용법

b. It´s strange that he hasn´t called. 가주어

c. If it is convenient, I can see you tomorrow. 막연한 상황

d. It was still dark. 비인칭주어

e. I´ll see to it that there is no such mistake again. 가목적어


1) What date is it? It´s May 1st. => d

2) It´s all over with him. => c

3) It is easy for me to drive the car. => b

4) He found it difficult to concentrate. => e

5) It was she that passed by me at the bus stop. => a



다음 문장의 밑줄 부분이 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

1) This suit is expensive, isn´t it? = this suit


2) The pronunciation of Japanese is simple compared with that of Korea. = the pronunciation


3) To be or not to be: that is the question. = to be or not to be


4) He began the story like this: “Once upon a time…” = once upon a time



 다음 문장의 빈칸에 so, such, same 알맞은 것을 써넣으시오.

1) His car and mine are the _same_.


2) Joe was a little upset, and _so_ was I.


3) Cartoon characters _such_ as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular.


4) A: Will I need my umbrella? B: I don´t think _so_.



