61강 일치화법4
1. 화법의 전환
1) 직접화법 & 간접화법
2) 인칭, 시제, 동사, 부사구(now -> then) 등에 주의
3) 각 문장의 화법 전환
-평서문: say to -> tell
-의문문: 의문사 없으면 if, 의문사 있으면 <의+주+동> 간접의문문 순서
-명령문: Let´s로 시작하면 suggest 동사로, 그렇지 않으면 ask/tell + O + to V 형태로
-감탄문: Exclaim, cry(out) 등으로 대치
2. 문제
화법 전환
1) Dick said to her “I can drive now.”
= Dick told her he could drive then.
2) He asked “Have you seen her?” and I said, “No.”
= He asked me if I had seem her and I said (that) I hadn´t (seen her).
3) She asked him, “Where are you going?”
= She asked him where he was going.
4) She said to them, “Don´t smoke.”
= She asked them not to smoke.
5) Tom said, “Let´s go out.”
= Tom suggested (that) we (should) go out.
6) He said, “What a nice day it is!”
= He cried (out) what a nice day it was.
7) He said to me, “You look pale. Are you sick?”
= He told me (that) I looked pale, and (he) asked me if I was sick.
S V I.O. D.O S V I.O D.O
8) She said to me, “I didn´t meet him yesterday.”
= She told me (that) she hadn´t met him the day before.
9) He said to me, “Don´t go.”
= He asked me not to go.
10) Jimmy said, “Let´s not talk about it any more.”
= Jimmy suggested (that) we (should) not talk about it any more.
11) The lady said, “How awfully sorry I am!”
= The lady cried out how awfully sorry she was.
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