53강 특수구문1
1. 도치구문 (7)
Be/조동사/시제는 주어와 도치한다. 하지만 일반동사는 맨 앞에 Do만 삽입한다.
You are a teacher.
Are you a teacher?
You will be a teacher.
Will you be a teacher?
You love me.
Do you love me?
You loved me.
Did you love me?
1) 부정어구가 문두에 나가면, 주어와 동사는 도치된다.
No sooner she came that she found it.
No sooner she had come that she found it.
No sooner had she come that she found it.
2) 부사가 문두에 나가면, 주어와 동사는 도치된다.
There [is/are] an apple.
A teacher comes here.
=>Here comes a teacher.
Here you are. 부사가 문두에 있을 때, 주어가 대명사면 도치하지 않는다.
She comes here.
=>Here she comes.
3) Only가 문두에 나가면,
(Only) (in my school) did one find good teachers.
=>One found good teachers only in my school.
4) 보어도치 (수일치 문제로 착각)
Important [was/were] memos.
You are right. 보어가 문두에 나가면, 주어가 대명사면 도치하지 않는다.
=>Right you are.
2. 문제
다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
1) Never he visited his hometown again.
=>Never did he visit his hometown again.
2) There a knock came at the door.
=>There came a knock at the door.
3) A: I can´t remember his name. B: Neither I can.
=>B: Neither can I.
4) On the table a big box was.
=>On the table was a big box.