3강 동사의 문형1
1. 3형식 이어동사 = 동사+전치사 = 타동사+부사
Turn off
Turn on
Put on
Take off
2. 이어동사의 목적어 위치
1) Take off the shoes. (O) = Take the shoes off. (O) 명사는 어디에든 들어갈 수 있음.
2) Take off them. (X) vs. Take them off. (O) 대명사는 사이에만 들어갈 수 있음.
3) Look at the sky. (O) vs. Look the sky at. (X) 자동사+전치사의 묶음.
3. 자동사로 혼동하기 쉬운 타동사 (해석상 전치사 그럴듯함)
-타동사 + 목적어
1) I marry with you.
2) I discuss about it.
3) I mention about it.
4) approach
5) reach
6) enter 들어가다 vs. enter to 착수하다
7) attend 참석하다 vs. attend to 주의하다, 시중들다
4. 타동사로 혼동하기 쉬운 자동사 (해석상 전치사 없을 것 같음)
1) I hope for your success.
2) I look at the sky.
3) I subscribe to TIME.
5. 문제
다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
1. She relies her mother too much.
=> She relies on her mother too much.
2. Let´s discuss about the matter later.
=> Let´s discuss the matter later.
3. I hope your health and happiness.
=> I hope for your health and happiness.
4. Her heart beat strongly as she approached to the door.
=> Her heart beat strongly as she approached the door.
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