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3강 동사의 문형1 (이어동사, 자동사, 타동사)

by 에이비씨 2021. 11. 27.

3 동사의 문형1

1. 3형식 이어동사 = 동사+전치사 = 타동사+부사

Turn off

Turn on

Put on

Take off


2. 이어동사의 목적어 위치

1) Take off the shoes. (O) = Take the shoes off. (O) 명사는 어디에든 들어갈 있음.



2) Take off them. (X) vs. Take them off. (O) 대명사는 사이에만 들어갈 있음.



3) Look at the sky. (O) vs. Look the sky at. (X) 자동사+전치사의 묶음.


3. 자동사로 혼동하기 쉬운 타동사 (해석상 전치사 그럴듯함)

-타동사 + 목적어

1) I marry with you.

2) I discuss about it.

3) I mention about it.

4) approach

5) reach

6) enter 들어가다 vs. enter to 착수하다

7) attend 참석하다 vs. attend to 주의하다, 시중들다


4. 타동사로 혼동하기 쉬운 자동사 (해석상 전치사 없을 같음)


1) I hope for your success.

2) I look at the sky.

3) I subscribe to TIME.


5. 문제

다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. She relies her mother too much.

=> She relies on her mother too much.


2. Let´s discuss about the matter later.

=> Let´s discuss the matter later.


3. I hope your health and happiness.

=> I hope for your health and happiness.


4. Her heart beat strongly as she approached to the door.

=> Her heart beat strongly as she approached the door.


